Documentary "New Taste of Fujian" Kicked Off


Fujian Daily report (Reporter Xiao Rong) Documentary of eight episodes "New Taste of Fujian" kicked off in Fuzhou on July 20, a showcase of "the becoming famous" Fujian landmark green ingredients.

本报讯 (记者 肖榕) 聚焦一系列福建绿色地标食材如何“出圈”的八集纪录片《上新吧,福味》20日在福州开机。

"New Taste of Fujian"is a production ofthe team led by Fujian Director Wang Shengzhi. The documentary focuses on Fujian landmark agriculture products, such as Ningde Large yellow croaker, Northern FujianSpotted Pig, DongshanSquid,Qingliu County's Bean curd, etc., which are naturein taste, made with special technique, and refinedbreed. The team invited national famous chef and Fujian localIron Chefto startbrain-storming, bring new ways to cooking, and make use of different flavorsas the mediumto promote rural revitalization.
