Opera “Deep Sea”was on in Xiamen


Fujian Daily report (Reporter Lin Zegui, Correspondent Luo Ying, InternWu Yue) In the evening of July 19, Xiamen Banlam Grand Theater presented the opera "Deep Sea" , which was compiled by Guangdong Opera House. The opera wasperformed on the theme of nuclear submarine research in China and a portrayal of the ups and downs life of Huang Xuhua, who wascredited with “The Medal of the Republic”and "Father of Nuclear Submarine"in China.

 本报讯 (记者 林泽贵 通讯员 罗颖 实习生 吴越) 19日晚,由广东省话剧院倾力打造的话剧《深海》在厦门闽南大戏院上演,讲述了我国核潜艇研制事业,展现了“共和国勋章”获得者、中国“核潜艇之父”黄旭华跌宕起伏的人生。