The Initiation of the 5th “Long Jiang Cup”(Zhangzhou) Industrial Design and Creativity Competition


Fujian Daily report (Reporter Du Zhenglan) Recently, China-Straits the 5th “Long Jiang Cup”(Zhangzhou) Industry Design and Creativity Competition was initiated. The far-sighted product or work, which is highly related to the characterized industries in Zhangzhou City as well as the demand of social economy development and updated structure in consumption, showing a combination of the integrated elements of technology innovation, cultural creativity, art creation, human-oriented creativity, business mode innovation, are welcome to apply for the competition. 

本报讯 (记者杜正蓝)近日,中国·海峡第五届“龙江杯”(漳州)工业设计创新大赛启动。与漳州特色产业关联度高,符合经济社会发展和消费结构升级需求,具备技术创新、文化创新、艺术创新、人本创新、商业模式创新等多种集成创新要素,有前瞻性的产品及作品,均可参赛。