The Integration of“Tea Culture, Tea Industries, Tea Technologies”Brings New Charm


There is a long history of tea farming in Zhangzhou City. In these years, Zhangzhou City has been accelerating the integrated development ofthe Three Tea, which is“Tea Industries, Tea Technologies and Tea Culture”, and motivating the transforming and upgrading of Tea Industries. Until now, there is a new green industry in a complex of production, reproduction, sale and tea cultural creativity products as well as tourism. Thus, it promotes the characterized agriculture to improve quality and efficiency, and bring the farmers’sustainable increasingincome.  


Fujian Daily Omnimedia Reporter  Huang Xiaoying, Correspondent  Zhang Jia, Yang Zhihui, Huang Jianhe.

本报全媒体记者 黄小英 通讯员 张葭 杨志慧 黄建和