Opening Ceremony of the 14th Straits Forum-Mazu Cultural Activities Week Took Place in Meizhou Island, Putian City


Opening Ceremony of the 14thStraits Forum-Mazu Cultural Activities Week took place in Meizhou Island, Putian City (Photo by Correspondent Xu Shuangping)

第十四届海峡论坛·妈祖文化活动周开幕(通讯员 许双萍 图)


Lin Xuyang attended the opening ceremony and delivered speech. (Photo by Correspondent Xu Shuangping)

林旭阳出席开幕式并致辞(通讯员 许双萍 图)

 FJSEN report on July 12 in Putian (photo/author Correspondent Xu Shuangping)Opening ceremony of the 14thStraits Forum-Mazu Cultural Activities Week took place in Meizhou Island, Putian City on July 12th morning. Lin Xuyang(Deputy Secretary of Putian Municipal CPC Committee as well as Mayor of the Peoples Government of Putian City) attended the opening ceremony.

东南网莆田7月12日讯(通讯员 许双萍 图/文)7月12日上午,第十四届海峡论坛·妈祖文化活动周在莆田市湄洲岛开幕。中共莆田市委副书记、市人民政府市长林旭阳出席开幕式。