Xiamen City of Fujian Province Publishes Roadmap to be A Top Player in IP Sector by 2025

Recently, the General Office of Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and the General Office of Xiamen Municipal Government jointly released their Implementation Plan for Framework (2021-2035) of Building China into a Top Player in IP Sector (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Plan). To build Xiamen into a top player in the IP sector at a faster pace, the Implementation Plan sets out a full range of tasks. In the six main areas, i.e., the IP system, IP protection, the operation of IP, IP services, culture, and exchanges, 74 detailed measures in 15 categories have been proposed to be implemented.

The Implementation Plan stipulates that Xiamen shall be in a top position in the domestic IP sector by 2025. Specifically, by this year, the city will be required to have at least 21.47 high-value invention patents per 10,000 people, at least 3,000 authorized overseas invention patents, at least 600 international trademarks registered through the Madrid Protocol, and at least 70,000 works registered for copyright protection, with its total annual intellectual property royalties, both import and export, reaching 5 billion yuan (those are anticipated targets above).

By 2035, Xiamen shall be a top player in the domestic IP sector in terms of overall competitiveness, a model of high-quality growth in the IP economy, and a leading player in the IP sector in China that has global influence.