White Tea Leads Green Fashion


Fuding is the birthplace of White Tea, which is one of the six basic tea categories, and one of the most important production place for White Tea, thus, as the saying goes“The world wonders White Tea in China, while China favors White Tea in Fuding.“In recent years, the fame and popularity of Fuding White Tea has been rising, and Fuding White Tea is ranked the 5th at the “2022 China Tea Area Public Brand Value Top 10”with the brand value of 5.222 billion yuan, as well as the top of the three brands with great motive force. (Author Xia Liangyu, researcher at Ningde Normal University)

福鼎是我国六大基本茶类中白茶的发源地,也是白茶最重要的产地之一,正所谓“世界白茶在中国,中国白茶在福鼎”。近年来,“福鼎白茶”知名度和热度不断攀升,福鼎白茶以52.22亿元的品牌价值荣居“2022中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值十强”第五位,并居最具品牌带动力的三大品牌之首。(作者 夏良玉 宁德师范学院研究员)