Release Ceremony of China Tea Industry Development Report at the Third Maritime Silk Road International Tea Culture Forum


Fujian Daily report (Reporter Zhang Hui) On June 29th, during the Third Maritime Silk Road International Tea Culture Forum, the two Reports “China Tea Industry Development Research Report 2021(Tea Bluebook) an“Fujian Tea Industry Development Report (2022)” were released, and the new book release of “Tea Coordinate--Standard for Fujian Tea over Thousand Years”was held. Ruan Shiwei of Fujian Provincial Political Consultative Conference was attended and delivered speech. 

本报讯 (记者张辉)29日,第三届海丝国际茶文化论坛期间,现场发布了《中国茶产业发展报告2021(茶业蓝皮书)》《福建省茶产业发展报告(2022)》,举行《茶坐标—标杆千年福建茶》新书首发式。省政协副主席阮诗玮出席并致辞。