Inauguration Ceremony of the Third Maritime Silk Road International Tea Culture Forum


Fujian Daily report (Reporters Lin Wei, Zhen Zhao) On June 29, in the theme of“Aroma through Fu Tea on the Maritime Silk Road Tea Passage”, the Third Maritime Silk Road International Tea Culture Forum held inauguration ceremony in Fuding City of Ningde City, the“Hometown of Chinese White Tea”. Ruan Shiwei (Vice President of Fujian Provincial Consultative Conference) and Chen Shaojun(Fujian Provincial Elder Comrade) attended the inauguration ceremony.  

本报讯 (记者 林蔚 郑昭) 29日,以“海丝茶道 福茶飘香”为主题的第三届海丝国际茶文化论坛在“中国白茶之乡”宁德福鼎市开幕。省政协副主席阮诗玮,省级老同志陈绍军出席开幕式。

Speech delivered  by Ruan Shiwei, Vice President of Fujian Provincial Political Consultative Conference. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Ye Fuguo)

省政协副主席阮诗玮致辞。东南网记者 叶伏国 摄

Speech delivered by Sri Lanka Diplomatic Envoy to China, Ambassador Palitha  Kohona. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Ye Fuguo)

斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔·科霍纳致辞。东南网记者 叶伏国 摄

Speech delivered by Ye Shen, Deputy Minister of Publicity Department of CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, President of Fujian Daily. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Lin Xianchang)

省委宣传部副部长、福建日报社社长叶燊致辞。东南网记者 林先昌 摄

Speech delivered by Lin Qing, Secretary of CPC Fuding Municipal Committee. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Ye Fuguo)

福鼎市委书记林青致辞。东南网记者 叶伏国 摄

Subforum in Toyko, Japan. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Lu Jinfu)

论坛在日本东京设立分会场。东南网记者 卢金福 摄