[The Renewable Quintessence of Fujian Mountains and Rivers] Weekend Travel with “Fun”: Let’s Explore the Ancient Hakka Villages in Longyan City, Fujian Province(6)

【闽山闽水物华新】周末“趣”游 | 周末,一起去探秘龙岩客家古村落(6)


“Wen Peng Rou(炆盆肉)“ means stewed pork, “Chicken cooked with salt and wine in Hakka style(客家盐酒鸡)”, “Xuanhe Rice Tofu”(宣和米冻).

“Chicken Cooked with Salt and Wine in Hakka Style””客家盐酒鸡”.

Photo by“Refreshing Fujian Voice of Culture and Tourism”(Official interactive account of Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

图片来源:清新福建 文旅之声(福建省文旅厅官方互动账号)


“Xuanhe Rice Tofu”“宣和米冻”

Photo by “Refreshing Fujian Voice of Culture and Tourism”(Official interactive account of Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

图片来源:清新福建 文旅之声(福建省文旅厅官方互动账号)



Drive to Peitian Ancient Village(about 40 minutes drive) and have a better understanding of Hakka culture.


Peitian Ancient Village,Longyan City 龙岩市培田古村落

Photo by “Refreshing Fujian Voice of Culture and Tourism”(Official interactive account of Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

图片来源:清新福建 文旅之声(福建省文旅厅官方互动账号)


Peitian is a village of 800 years, and named “No.1 Residence in Fujian”, “Manor in Southern China”, and“Folk Forbidden City”. Over 30 magnificent residences in“Nine Hall and Eighteen Well”structure and 21 family temples are well preserved in the Village, and Hakka spirit“Work and Study-oriented”is transcended lively here. (the tour takes about 90 minutes)




Return to Fuzhou返回福州。