The First of Fascinating Debut of AR Light Show in Fuzhou, the Real and Unreal Blended as Special-Effects Movie

福州首场AR灯光秀惊艳亮相 虚实交融如同特效大片

Fireworkstake to the air , schools of fish coming and swimming down from sky, and dragon boats going out of the building...During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, it was the fascinating debut of AR(Augmented Reality) light show in Fuzhou City, which brought a brand new visual effect for the spectators in Fuzhou.



A “luminous river” coming down from sky, the ripples spreading around the building, and schools of fish coming down from sky.(photo by Li Jinqing)



The building transformed into a huge cube, going up to sky, then transformed into a huge zongzi(rice dumpling) and shone in the starry sky in Fuzhou.  (photo by Li Jinqing)


With the sound of drums and gongs, dragon boats coming out for competition, which was like 3D visual effect with no glasses getting out of the building.(photo by Li Jinqing)
