Fuding Gardenias: Flowers Blossoming Prosperous Years(1)


The blooming gardenias. (Photo by Fujian Daily correspondent Wang Tingting)

栀子花开 本报通讯员 王婷婷 摄

The fruits of Gardenias (Photo by Fujian Daily correspondent Lin Changfeng)

栀子果实 本报通讯员 林昌峰 摄 

Cycling in the ocean of flowers (Photo by Fujian Daily correspondent Mao Zhengyi) 

花海骑游 本报通讯员 毛真怡 摄

As one of the birthplaces of yellow gardenia industry in Fuding City, there are 6000 mu planting base in Mingyang Country in Guanling Town. Next month, the mountains here will witness the “Harvesting Festival”and “Tourist Season”.
