New Eligibility Assessment Platform Enables Businesses in Zhangzhou to Automatically Enjoy Favorable Policies

Developed by Zhangzhou Information Industry Group at the request of the local development and reform commission, a new platform designed to help eligible local businesses quickly receive government benefits officially went online on 15th June.

Equipped with big data technology, the platform uses a variety of information, including utility payment history, records made available by the local administration for industry and commerce, corporate credit status, and statistics, to assess the eligibility of each business for the benefits promised by existing government policies. Once a business is found eligible for a certain benefit, the platform will send it a text message asking its admin to log onto the platform to confirm the result, upon which the business will be able to enjoy whatever benefits that have been confirmed free from the application process. The platform is considered a game-changer in the accessibility of favorable government policies. By eliminating the complex procedure, the excessive paperwork, the lack of transparency, and the long processing time involved in traditional offline applications for government benefits, it provides local businesses with fast, all-round eligibility assessment services.