Fujian Receives Prioritized Support from National Intellectual Property Administration and Ministry of Finance in Commercializing Patents(2)


In April 2021, the Provincial Intellectual Property Administration in conjunction with the provincial finance authority formulated and issued Fujian's Implementation Plan for Supporting SMEs in Innovation and Growth through Aiding Patent Commercialization (2021-2023). The purposes of the plan are to, among others, increase the supply channels of patent technology, help match patent sellers and buyers, and enable patent holders to commercialize their patents for greater benefits and profits. Fujian is one of the eight newly chosen provinces to receive the grant in 2022 for its performance in the patent commercialization programme. According to the rules, Fujian will receive a total of RMB 100 million in the form of a grant. The first instalment, which is RMB 50 million, has been paid recently.

    2021年4月,省知识产权局会同省财政厅制定出台了《福建省促进专利技术转移转化 助力中小企业创新发展实施方案(2021-2023年)》,从拓宽专利技术供给渠道、推进专利技术供需对接、提升专利技术运用效益等方面积极推动专利转化专项计划实施。福建省实施成效良好,被列入2022年专利转化专项计划新增奖补8个省份之一,按计划将获中央财政资金1亿元奖补,第一期奖补资金5000万元已于近日下达。