Fujian Receives Prioritized Support from National Intellectual Property Administration and Ministry of Finance in Commercializing Patents(1)


Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) enrolled in the state Special Patent Commercialization Programme have recently been assessed by the National Intellectual Property Administration and the Ministry of Finance as to how well they have been performing in the programme. As an outstanding participant in the assessment, Fujian is selected to receive a grant from the central government to support local patent commercialization, our reporter learned from the local market supervision authority on June 27. 


In March 2021, the two state departments jointly issued a notice, i.e. A Notice on Supporting SMEs in Innovation and Growth through the Implementation of the Special Patent Commercialization Programme. According to this document, a number of selected participants would receive a grant, depending on how well they would perform in supporting SMEs in innovation and growth through aiding patent commercialization (including the transfer of patent ownership). The assessment was designed to be carried out in three consecutive years. Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong and Shaanxi were the first to be awarded the grant, while Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Hunan and Sichuan, as newly selected recipients, are scheduled to receive the grant this year.

    去年3月,国家知识产权局联合财政部印发了《关于实施专利转化专项计划 助力中小企业创新发展的通知》,将分三年择优奖补一批促进专利技术转移转化、助力中小企业创新发展成效显著的省份。北京、上海、江苏、浙江、山东、湖北、广东、陕西8个省份获得首批奖补,天津、河北、辽宁、安徽、福建、河南、湖南、四川8个省份为2022年新增奖补。