China-Mexico Fujian Juncao Technology Seminar Held Online(2)

Juncao technology was born in Fujian in 1980s, said Chen Chuxin, Director General of Fujian Provincial Foreign Affairs Office. He noted that President Xi Jinping was personally engaged in the international cooperation on Juncao technology during his stint in Fujian. Today, this technology has taken root in more than 100 countries, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs while enhancing local capacity and capability in sustainable agriculture.


Fernando Gonzalez Saiffe, Director General of the Department of Asia-Pacific Affairs of the Mexican Foreign Ministry, said that Mexico is keeping tabs on China’s approaches to ending extreme poverty, including Juncao technology. He believed that this technology will add new impetus to bilateral cooperation, open up new areas of collaboration, and further deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Mexico and China.


Mexican Ambassador to China Jesus Seade underlined the importance of technical cooperation between the two governments. He believed that Juncao technology will help achieve a number of UN SDGs.


During the seminar, Dr Lin Dongmei, Vice Director of China National Engineering Research Center of Juncao Technology, shared the technical details and latest developments of Juncao technology. Sufuwana Hussein, Senior Research Officer of the Legalega Research Station, Nadi, introduced the Juncao projects in Fiji.