China-Mexico Fujian Juncao Technology Seminar Held Online(1)

A webinar on Juncao technology was held Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Mexico, bringing together more than 70 participants.


In the opening remarks, Cai Wei, Director General of the Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoted that the tree of China-Mexico friendship has flourished and borne bountiful fruits, bringing tangible benefits to the people of the two countries. He hoped that Juncao technology will be aligned with the Planting Life program as part of the green and coordinated development of Mexico.


Chinese Ambassador to Mexico Zhu Qingqiao recognized the special place Fujian holds in the long-running friendly relations between China and Mexico. He hoped that the two sides can take this seminar as an opportunity to further expand subnational exchanges and cooperation in various fields.