In pics: "Dragon Boat Village" in China's Fujian (1) 图片新闻:福建“龙舟村”(1)

Craftsmen fill waterproofing material in a new dragon boat at Fangzhongxiong dragon boat factory in Fangzhuang Village of Nantong Township in Minhou County of Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 30, 2022.



Fangzhuang, known as "Dragon Boat Village", has a traditional dragon boat manufacturing history for more than 700 years. Every year, more than 200 hand-made wooden boats, carefully built by craftsmen, are sold nationwide and even overseas from the village. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

福建省闽侯县南通镇大樟溪畔的方庄村又被人们称为“龙舟村”,村里传统木舟制造历史可以追溯到700多年前。每年有超过两百艘传统龙舟在匠人们的精心打磨下,从方庄村销往全国各地乃至海外。(新华社记者 姜克红 摄)

Painter Pan Shujian and his wife paint traditional patterns on a newly made dragon boat at Fanghegang dragon boat factory in Fangzhuang Village of Nantong Township in Minhou County of Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 30, 2022. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

 5月30日,在福建省福州市闽侯县南通镇方庄村方和刚龙舟厂,画匠潘书坚夫妇在新赶制的端午节龙舟上描绘传统图案。(新华社记者 姜克红 摄)


A craftsman measures a dragon boat at Fangzhongxiong dragon boat factory in Fangzhuang Village of Nantong Township in Minhou County of Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 30, 2022. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

 5月30日,在福建省福州市闽侯县南通镇方庄村方忠雄龙舟厂,一名工匠在手工测量龙舟。(新华社记者 姜克红 摄)


A craftsman fills waterproofing material in a new dragon boat at Fangzhongxiong dragon boat factory in Fangzhuang Village of Nantong Township in Minhou County of Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 30, 2022. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

5月30日,在福建省福州市闽侯县南通镇方庄村方忠雄龙舟厂,一名工匠在往新龙舟缝隙中填补防水材料。(新华社记者 姜克红 摄)