Paper Cutting in Pucheng County, Following Tradition while Being Creative浦城剪纸 守正创新

Paper Cutting of "Fu" Culture (Fujian Daily News. Photo by Media Convergence of Pucheng County)  

福文化剪纸 (图片来源福建日报,浦城融媒体供图)

Zhou Dongmei, Master of Arts and Crafts in Fujian Province, is working on  Paper Cutting works. (Photo by Qiu Chunjing)

省工艺美术大师周冬梅在创作剪纸作品。(邱春静 摄)

As early as Western Jin Dynasty, the predecessors migrated from Central Plains brought the Paper Cutting technique to Pucheng County. While the cultures of Central Plains and Min Yue are converging, Pucheng Paper Cutting developed its characteristic of delicacy in southern style and briefness in northern style, in which traditional techniques were cultivated, including rubbing pattern using ink soap, fidibus fixation. In 2008, Pucheng County is named“Hometown of Chinese folk Culture and Art”by Ministry of Culture. In 2014, Pucheng Paper Cutting was included in the 4th group of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.



“Last year we made papercut work in the form of NFT(Non-Fungible Token)digital artwork which was favored by young people, and presented a series of lively short videos with shadow play animation, so as to strengthen the influence of excellent traditional Chinese culture by means of using Internet network.” In the Paper Cuttingmill, Wang Xu demonstrated the Pucheng Paper Cutting products in association with articles for daily use, package for agricultural products, and catering corporations. Pucheng Paper Cutting has been developing a variety of ways to advocate itself, in addition to creativity in the content.
