Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory CAPAA (Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs) celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Chinese American high school student Lu Minhui received the Award

美国宾州州长亚太裔事务委员会庆祝亚太裔传统月活动 华裔高中生卢敏惠获奖

FJSN news on May 30(FJSN special correspondent Lin Yingzhang) Recently, Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory CAPAA (Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs) celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the Governor’s residence, and gave award to the winner of “Making Pennsylvania Great Places”. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and his First Lady Frances Wolf attended the event.  

东南网5月30日讯(本网特约通讯员 林应章)日前,美国宾州州长亚太裔事务委员会在州长官邸举行庆祝亚太裔传统月活动,并向首届亚太裔“推动宾夕法尼亚州进步奖”获得者颁奖。宾州州长汤姆·沃尔夫和第一夫人弗朗西斯·沃尔夫出席活动。

A photo of the attendants at the scene (Photo by FJSN special correspondent Lin Yingzhang)

现场合影(本网特约通讯员 林应章 摄)

Speech given by Sun Yi, the Director of CAPAA. (Photo by FJSN special correspondent Lin Yingzhang)

宾州州长亚太裔事务委员会主任孙一发言(本网特约通讯员 林应章 摄)

Chen Zhanyuan (the one takes the center in the photo), New member of CAPAA, at the scene. (Photo by FJSN special correspondent Lin Yingzhang)

新任华裔委员陈展远(中)在活动现场(本网特约通讯员 林应章 摄)

(From the left to the right in the photo)Liu Derong, Lu Wenbin, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Lu Minke, Zhu Feng.(Photo by FJSN special correspondent Lin Yingzhang)

(从左至右)刘德榕、卢文斌、州长汤姆·沃尔夫、卢敏可、朱枫(本网特约通讯员 林应章