Shaxi Red Crabs: gourmet from the meeting point of Zhangjiang River and the Sea makes local people rich沙西红蟳:江海之间的富民美味

Shaxi sea region, which is the ideal place for blue crabs, is located at the junction of brackish water in Zhangjiang River Estuary. (Report/Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Xiao Zhenping, correspondent Xiao Minling, Zhan Zhaoyu)

沙西海域地处漳江出海口咸淡水交汇处,适宜青蟹生长。(本报记者 萧镇平 通讯员 薛敏灵 詹照宇 文/图)

Shaxi Red Crabs(Report/Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Xiao Zhenping, correspondent Xiao Minling, Zhan Zhaoyu)

 沙西红蟳(本报记者 萧镇平 通讯员 薛敏灵 詹照宇 文/图)

Aquaculture farmers are feeding Red Crabs.(Report/Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Xiao Zhenping, correspondent Xiao Minling, Zhan Zhaoyu)

养殖户正在喂养红蟳。(本报记者 萧镇平 通讯员 薛敏灵 詹照宇 文/图)