Assembly Constructing 20 Culture and Tourism Healthcare Projects in Changtai District 长泰20个文旅康养项目集中开竣工

Fujian Daily report (Reporter Xiao Zhengping) Recently, the Ceremony of Starting and Completing Assembly Construction of Culture and Tourism Healthcare Projects of the 2nd Full-range Tourism Development Conference. In all, there are 20 projects started and completed, in a planned total investment of 2.869 billion yuan. In the Ceremony, 10 construction projects are started, and 10 construction projects are completed.

本报讯 (记者 萧镇平) 日前,漳州长泰区举行第二届全域旅游发展大会文旅康养项目集中开工竣工仪式,共有20个项目集中开竣工,计划总投资28.69亿元,其中,开工项目10个、竣工项目10个。

The project covers the range of tourist complex, agricultural leisure projects, characteristic local dwelling, healthcare hospital, upscale hotels, etc. The construction assembly will empower the full-range tourism development, promotion of the grade of tourism industry, and revitalization and impact in tourist market.
