New Fuzhou Bus Line”7686 Fu Tourism City Axis Line”by Fuzhou Minyun Public Transport闽运福州公交“7686福游中轴专线”即将开通了

The bus line “7686 Fu Tourism City Axis Line”is about to be put into use. There are 12 bus stops in the line, and each stop has remarkable settings for passengers. Fuzhou Minyun Public Transport has made full preparation for bringing the best sightseeing experience to passengers. On May 28th, there were over 50 volunteer advocates gathered and received training, in the hope of offering advocate service in the best status. The Line is specifically designed for tourism of charity, and the 1stshift would start in the middle of June, and two shifts every weekend. Moreover, the Line makes the trip from Liming Lake Park to Zhenhai Tower, there are 12 stops in the way, and the bus trip would go by Aofeng Plaza, Three Lanes and 7 Alleys, and Yeshan Chunqiu Park, etc.


More than 50 volunteer advocates gathered to receive training. (photo by reporter Shi Meixiang)

50多名志愿宣讲员集中接受培训。(记者 石美祥/摄)

“We will call for attention publicly, and invite citizens to take the bus line, and passengers could experience and study Fu Culture, and have a better understanding of the happy life in Fuzhou City. “The officer of Fuzhou Minyun Public Transport said. (reporter Liu Jun correspondents Zhang Jidan, He Xiaotian/ report; photo by reporter Shi Meixiang)

“我们将采取公开征集的方式,邀请大家乘坐该专线,身临其境学习福文化,从而深刻感悟福州美好生活。”闽运福州公交相关负责人说。(记者 刘珺 通讯员 张纪丹 何晓恬/文 记者 石美祥/摄)