Fujian Received Capital for Local Technology Development from Center Government, Up 74.8% from Last Year我省获中央引导地方科技发展资金 比上年增长74.8%

Fujian Daily report. (reporter Wang Yongzhen) News from Fujian Provincial Department of Finance. Recently, After assessingthe locals elementary research and financial status, as well as improving technological innovation abilities, etc, . Ministry of Finance has announced and distributed the local capital for technology development  from center government. Fujian Province received 106 million yuan,up 74.8% from Last Year.

本报讯 (记者 王永珍) 据省财政厅消息,近日,财政部根据各地基础科研条件及财力状况、科技创新能力提升等情况,下达中央引导地方科技发展资金,我省获得1.06亿元,比上年增长74.8%。