The Activity“8 Regions Opera of Fujian Province Walks into Campus”Starts“八闽戏剧进校园”活动启动

Fujian Daily news (Report Zhuang Yan)  Passing on faith in Fujian, the Opera enriches the world for children in Fujian Province. Recently, exclusive opera performance took place in Fuzhou, in the memory of the 80thanniversary of“Talks at the Yan'an Forum of Literature and Art”and the activity “8 Regions Opera of Fujian Province Walks into Campus”in 2022.

本报讯 (记者 庄严) 福地传薪火,戏剧润童心。日前,纪念《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表80周年戏剧专场活动暨2022年“八闽戏剧进校园”活动在福州市启动。