Boys and Girls, it’s time for Labor Education! 孩子们,上劳动课了!

Maiding Elementary School in Fuzhou City organized a competition ”Labor Makes Me Happy” on labor skills. The photo shows students in trimming vegetable competition on May 30. (photo by Xie Guiming)

5月30日,福州市麦顶小学组织开展“我劳动我快乐”劳动技能竞赛。图为学生在进行择菜比赛。(谢贵明 摄)

Chengguan 3rdElementary School in Shaxian District, Sanming City, organized competition “Special Children’s Day”on labor skills on May 30. The photo shows students in farming competition. (photo by You Qinghui, Xiao Shouzhou)  

5月30日,三明市沙县区城关第三小学举行“别样过六一”劳动技能大比拼活动。图为学生在进行种菜比赛。(游庆辉学生在进行种菜比赛。 肖首洲 摄)

On May 27, a teacher of Labor Education in the 1st Middle School, in Wuyi Mountain City, was showing students the manufacturing techniques for hand-made Wuyi Rock Tea(Yan Cha). (Photo by Qiu Nuquan)

5月27日,武夷山市一中劳技课教师在给学生讲解武夷岩茶手工制作技艺。(邱汝泉 摄)


Recently, it aroused the attention from the public that “The New Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Labor Education (2022 edition)” issued by the Ministry of Education of China,in which different kinds of labor skills are included on the list, will be officially implemented in primary and secondary schools from the fall semester of 2022.
