The Sightseeing Cruise on Marine Route “Pingtan-Meizhou Island of Putian”Started the First Cruise on May 16“平潭至莆田湄洲岛”海上旅游航线5月16日首航

The First Cross-City-and-Island’s Marine Travel Route is on Trial in Fujian 


Haitan God Stone(Photo by FJSEN) 海坛天神(图片源自东南网)

General Mountain Attraction(Photo by FJSEN) 将军山景区(图片源自东南网)

Mazu Temple of Meizhou, Putian(Photo by FJSEN) 湄洲岛妈祖庙(图片源自东南网)

Fujian Daily report. (Reporter Guo Bin) On May 12th, According to the press of marine tourism “Fu Exchanges Trip”, the first cross-city-and-Island’s marine travel route--the sightseeing cruise on marine route “Pingtan-Meizhou Island of Putian”was about to start the first cruise from Pingtan on May 16th.

本报讯 (记者 郭斌) 12日,记者在“福往福来”海上游新闻发布会上获悉,我省首条跨城跨岛海上旅游线路——“平潭至莆田湄洲岛”海上旅游航线16日将从平潭首航。

Accordingly, in the marine sightseeing cruise “Pingtan-Meizhou Island of Putian”, the ship sets sailat Kegun Dock in Aoqian Town, Pingtan County, to it’s destination at Meizhou Island after a 4 hours sailing. The cruise makes stops at Tannan Bay, General Mountain, Caoyu Island, Zhusheng Pagoda in Fuqing, Hai Tang Tian Shen , Nanri Island. The sightseeing ship takes maximum weight at 837 tons, with an average sailing speed at 15 knots, and a space for 290 passengers. Ithas multi-functions in inter- communication, leisure and entertainment, snap at the sightseeing resorts. On the ship, the passengers could have a good time with “Fu”foods, intelligent“Fu”trips, “Fu”performance show, “Fu”treasure hunt), “Fu”shopping, “Fu”tea drinking, “Fu”songs singing, ”Fu”wishes,  “Fu”sea sightseeing, and“Fu”photos of the trip .  


The marine sightseeing project “Fu Exchange Trip”is set on the horizon of the whole Fujian province that centers around “Coast-bay-island”,  coordination on both the land and sea, interaction between bays and ports, and strong connection in tourist coastal cities in Fujian. According to the principle “Explore Together, Develop Together, Trips in the Province, Forward by steps”, the Project aims at the linear loop of trial on the resorts, then connect the resorts to lines, and make the lines to a string, and regularly start the Boutique tourist routes on sea. The Project will work to ensure that, until 2025, the boutique tourist routes on sea is a system composed of many attraction along coastal cities in Fujian, a route from Ningde to Fuzhou, Pingtan, Putian, Quanzhou, Xiamen, and Zhangzhou.  
