Zhangzhou City: Technology Supports Aquaculture科技加持,向海念好种业经

Zhangzhou City has been accelerating the construction of aquaculture by means of supporting and developing dominant industries and deepening the collaboration between industrialization, teaching, and research


(Fujian Daily report on May 14th) As a coastal city, the aquaculture farming started from 1980s, thus, laid a solid foundation for the industry. Recently, Zhangzhou City has been accelerating the construction of aquaculture by means of supporting and developing dominant industries and deepening the cooperation in industrialization, teaching, and research. Nowadays, there are 2040 companies of seedling fields, with a seedling output of 43 billion fish tail(particle) , at the worth of 1.6 billion yuan, and 70% of the seedlings are of good quality; The seedling output of abalone and clams of Zhangzhou City ranks top of the country. (Fujian Daily reporters Huang Rufei, Su Yijie, correspondents Hou Ning, Ke Zhiyong, Xue Minling)

(福建日报5月14日讯)作为海洋大市,漳州水产种业自上世纪80年代起步,产业基础深厚。近年来,漳州扶持培育水产科技龙头企业、加大产学研结合力度,持续推进水产种业建设。目前,漳州全市拥有苗种场2040家,水产育苗量约430亿尾(粒)以上,产值约16亿元,水产良种覆盖率达70%以上;全市鲍鱼、蛤类苗种产量居全国前列。(本报记者 黄如飞 苏依婕 通讯员 侯宁 柯智勇 薛敏灵)