“Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month·Yingxiang Fujian Week in 2022”the 1st Activity Was Held in Saint Peter’s University (New Jersey) in America 亚太裔传统月·2022首届“印象福建周”首场活动在美国新泽西州圣彼得大学举行

FJSEN American Station report on May 6th. (FJSEN Special correspondents  Bai Shui, Liu Wei) It’s May 5thto local time, the 1stactivity of“Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month·Yingxiang Fujian Week in 2022”was held in Saint Peter’s University (New Jersey) in America. Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and the 1stactivity aim at promoting the culture of World Heritage and“(Fu) Blessing”in Fujian Province, bringing the fascinating Fujian culture to the mainstream of American culture, and accelerating the cultural communication and mutual learning between China and America.

东南网美国5月6日讯(本网特约记者 白水 刘伟) 当地时间5月5日,亚太裔传统月·2022首届“印象福建周”系列活动(首场)在美国新泽西州圣彼得大学举行。五月是一年一度的美国亚太裔传统月,活动旨在亚太裔传统月期间,推广福建的世遗文化和“福”文化,让美丽福建走进美国主流,推动中美文化交流互鉴。

The letter of congratulations from Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York. (Photo by FJSEN Special correspondents  Bai Shui, Liu Wei)

中国驻纽约总领事馆为活动发来贺函。(本网特约记者 白水 刘伟摄)

A speech delivered by Professor Mark DeStephano, Chair&Professor of Modern and Classical Languages, and Director of Asian Studies. (Photo by FJSEN Special correspondents Bai Shui, Liu Wei)

美国新泽西州圣彼得大学现代与古典语言文学系及亚洲研究中心主任马克·斯特凡诺博士发言(本网特约记者 白水 刘伟摄)

A speech delivered by Zhu Liye, the Executive Director of the U.S. branch of the Fujian Southeast Network. (Photo by FJSEN Special correspondents  Bai Shui, Liu Wei)

福建日报社东南网美国站执行总监朱立业代表东南网美国站致辞(本网特约记者 白水 刘伟 摄)