Use “Foreign Intellects”to Strengthen“Muscles and Bones”in Innovation创新主体,如何引“外智”强“筋骨”

(Fujian Daily report on May 13th)[Core message] Company is the body that makes innovation. However, its innovation has to face challenges like time, cost, and talents in the fierce competition of the market. To settle this problem, it’s important to make full use of industrialization, teaching, and research. In these years, Fujian Electronics & Information Group has been promoting the key innovative factors together in the corporations, and achieve new breaks in the front fields of electronics & information industry by means of exploring multi-modes in industrialization, teaching, research through coping with member corporations, universities and research institutions. (Fujian Daily reporters Huang Qing, Lin Kang)

(福建日报5月13日讯)【核心提示】企业是创新的主体。但在竞争激烈的市场洪流中,企业的科技创新又面临时间、成本、人才等诸多挑战。解决这一矛盾,产学研融合发挥出重要作用。近年来,省电子信息集团通过联结成员企业、高校与科研院所,探索多种模式的产学研融合,推动各类创新要素向企业聚集,在电子信息产业前沿领域取得创新突破。(本报记者 黄青 林侃)