Hard Work Builds Your Dream. Craftsmanship in Fujian Province 劳动筑梦 匠在八闽

The result of“Craftsmen of the Year Award in Fujian Province in 2021”was released


(Fujian Daily report on May 14th) To set the stage for the 20thNational Congress of the CPC with concrete actions, and make a better study and practice of President Xi Jinping’s letter to the First Innovation Exchange Conference for Craftsmen of the Nation, China advocates the spirit of model workers, hard work and craftsmanship, and solid progress in the reform to train industrial workers, and workers together in their hard work for new achievements in Fujian. Fujian Provincial Federation of Trade Unions had initiated the poll “Craftsmen of the Year Award in Fujian Province in 2021”and released the official result on May 13th in Fuzhou.


The 10 winners of“Craftsmen of the Year Award in Fujian Province in 2021”are the outstanding inheritors of the spirit of model workers, hard work and craftsmanship.
