A Rapid Development of Satellite’s Application Industry in Xiamen, the Beginning of Satellite’s Technology Application Link--A Strategy for“the Celestial”, A String with the Launched“Satellites”厦门卫星应用产业加速发展,卫星技术应用环节初具雏形——布局“空天”,聚“星”成链

Launching the first urban-designed satellite; a successful launch on the first 0.5 meter remote sensing satellite...Since the beginning of this year, good news are successively released in the manufacturer industry of satellite in Fujian Province, and some satellite manufacturer corporations were mentioned in the news.  


While planning on “the celestial”, Xiamen City endeavors to work on two aspects: on one hand, the City accelerates a close connection between satellite industry and the ordinary lives and gives a hand to the urban safe intelligence. On the other hand, the City takes the opportunity to develop the industry and arranges the launched “Satellites”into string, and develops the advantages for satellite’s application industry. Currently, The subsections of the industry have been in shape, which covers the range of chip design of BeiDou Navigation Satellite, modularity R&D, ground equipments manufacture, user terminal production, the assembly of information systemand operation services. (Fujian Daily reporters Liao Liping, Yang Shanshan, intern Huang Qian)

布局“空天”,厦门一方面加速卫星与老百姓的生活紧密结合,助力城市智慧安全;另一方面,抢抓产业战略机遇期,聚“星”成链,打造卫星应用产业发展高地。目前,厦门卫星应用产业已初具雏形,涵盖北斗导航卫星芯片设计、模块研发、地面设备制造、用户终端制造、信息系统集成、运营服务等细分领域。本报记者 廖丽萍 杨珊珊 实习生 黄骞)