Zhao'an: The Pure Ocean and Clean Water Make Bigger Fish诏安:海清水净鱼更肥

(Fujian Daily news on May 14)“Previously, the Asparagus seedlings could put on a weight of 5 kg in two months, but it can only put on a weight of 6kg in 27 days now. The price of the Asparagus grewup to 3.2 yuan per kilogram compared to 0.6 yuan per kilogram earlier.”Recently, Tian Yuqun, the party secretary of Tiancuo Village of Meiling Town of Zhaoan County, said in the Fujian Daily interview that after completing the regulation of the marine farming, the refresh ability of the sea water increased, and both the yield of sea farming and the income of sea farming increased. (Fujian Daily report. Reporter Huang Rufei, Su Yichun, correspondent Sheng Yifang)  

【福建日报5月14日讯】“以前,放两个月龙须菜苗,才长5公斤。现在放27天,长6公斤以上,龙须菜价格从每公斤0.6元涨到3.2元。”近日,诏安县梅岭镇田厝村党支部书记田育群在接受记者采访时说,海上养殖综合整治后,海水交换能力变强,海上养殖增产又增收。(本报记者 黄如飞 苏益纯 通讯员 沈逸芳)