The Opening of the 12th Fujian Disabled People Cultural Week 第十二届福建省残疾人文化周开幕

Fujian Daily report. (reporter Lin Qingzhi) On May 14th, the celebration of China’s 32nd National Day for Helping the Disabled and the opening of the 12th Fujian Disabled People’s Cultural Week is held in Fuzhou. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department Wang Yongli announced the opening, and the Vice Director of Standing Committee of Fujian Provincial People's Congress Yan Keshi presented, and the vice governor and director of Fujian Provincial Disabled Workers Committee Zheng Jianmin delivered opening speech; the vice chairman of the CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee Xu Weize and Provincial senior comrades Su Zengtian, Zhang Guanmin and Chen Shaojun attended the activity.

本报讯 (记者 林清智) 14日,庆祝第三十二次全国助残日暨第十二届福建省残疾人文化周活动在福州开幕。省委常委、统战部部长王永礼宣布活动开幕,省人大常委会副主任严可仕出席,副省长、省残工委主任郑建闽致开幕词,省政协副主席许维泽,省级老同志苏增添、张广敏、陈绍军参加活动。