Photo News 图片新闻

On May 12th, A field-tourism train was carrying a group of tourists, moving through the green paddy fields, which brought the tourists a lot of fun in the high standard demonstration farmland in Fengyuan Village in Xikou Town, Jianning County, Fujian Province. (Fujian Daily reporters. Photo by reporter Wang Yi, correspondents Zeng Cheng, Chen Xiaoxing.)

12日,在建宁县溪口镇枫元村高标准农田示范片,一列农旅观光小火车载着游客,在绿油油的稻田里穿梭,别有一番风趣。本报记者 王毅 通讯员 曾程 陈晓星


Accordingly, there are 210 thousand mu(Chinese unit of land measurement that is commonly 666.7 square meters) high stand farmlands in Jianning County, and another capital of RMB 48.09 million invested to build 31 thousand mu high standard farmlands. For Xikou Town, while developing high standard farmlands, it works to develop other industries by the way of “Cooperation across villages”, invest the tourist mini-train, strengthen tourists feeling in rural agriculture tourism, and help to increase income for the community and villagers in the cooperated villages.  (Fujian Daily reporters. Photo by reporter Wang Yi, correspondents Zeng Cheng, Chen Xiaoxing.)

 据了解,建宁县现有高标准农田21万亩,今年继续投入资金4809万元,建设3.1万亩高标准农田。溪口镇在做好高标准农田建设的同时,依托“跨村联建”模式带动产业联动发展,投入观光小火车,增强乡村农业旅游体验感,带动联建村村集体收入和村民双增收。(本报记者 王毅 通讯员 曾程 陈晓星 摄)