Photo News 图片新闻

Recently, owing to good ecological advantages and weather conditions, Zhouning County has been promoting the development in the industry of high mountain’s cold tolerant flowers, like Cymbidium orchids, Azaleas, Succulents, etc. Nowadays, there are over 2700 mu(Chinese unit of land measurement that is commonly 666.7 square meters) fields for planting high mountain’s cold tolerant flowers, at a worth of RMB 300 million annually. In the photo, the staff of Sanshan Biological Technology Co.,LTD. is cultivating seeds for Succulents. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporters. Reporter Lin Hui, correspondent Lin Zijie)


近年来,周宁县依托良好的生态优势及气候条件,积极推动大花惠兰、杜鹃、多肉等高山冷凉花卉产业发展。目前,已拥有高山冷凉花卉种植面积2700多亩,年产值达3亿元。图为近日周宁县三杉生物科技有限公司员工正在进行多肉组培育种。(本报记者 林辉 通讯员 林子杰 摄)