The Activity "Humanistic and Cultural Station for China and the Philippines" Walks into Zhangzhou City“中菲人文之驿”走进漳州

Fujian Daily report on May 12th. (Fujian Daily reporter Yang Lingyi, correspondent Lu Meilian) Recently, ”Humanistic and Cultural Station for China and the Philippines ”arranged the second round activity “Walk into Zhangzhou”, it was hosted by Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of the Philippines, Zhangzhou City People's Government, Federation of Fil-Chinese Association of the Philippines Foundation,Inc.

(5月12日)本报讯 (记者 杨凌怡 通讯员 卢美莲) 近日,“中菲人文之驿”第二期活动“走进漳州”举行,活动由中国驻菲律宾使馆、漳州市政府、菲华各界联合会共同主办。

The relationship between Zhangzhou city and Philippine was close in kinship, deep in affection and long history in trades. Over 500 years ago, thousands of Zhangzhou origin Chinese set out from Moon Bay of Longhai District, following the ancient Maritime Silk Road, they arrived in Malina where they started business and fought for living. Meanwhile, they also brought Chinese culture to the Philippines, promoted the communication and mutual learning in both economy and culture between two countries.


Nowadays, as the call “ TheBelt and Road Initiative ”is docked with the Philippines “Build Build Build(BBB)Program”, Zhangzhou city has fully planned and completely activated on the Demonstration Zone Project of Trades and Innovation Development in China(Zhangzhou) , which would be a new stage and start point for a better communication and further collaboration between China and the Philippines. In this activity, both the WeChat account and the theme“I Am Waiting For You At The Humanistic and Cultural Station for China and The Philippines”is officially released to put into use.
