Fujian: The First Digital Currency in the Payment for Salary 我省首批数字人民币代发工资落地

Fujian Daily report on May 15th. (Reporters Liao Liping, Lin Zegui, correspondents Zhou Ying, Chen Xinzhong) On May 12th, the 69 on-duty civil servants and 35 enlisted employees in public institutions under the Administration of Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot free Trade Zone received salary in the way of digital currency which was conducted by the Administration for the first time, Administration of Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot free Trade Zone is the first unit that committed to pay salary for civil servants and employees in public institutions with digital currency.  

本报讯【5月15日】(记者 廖丽萍 林泽贵 通讯员 周莹 陈新忠)12日,厦门自贸委的69名在岗公务员和35名事业单位在编人员收到了单位发放的首笔数字人民币工资,厦门自贸委成为我省首个以数字人民币发放公务员和事业单位员工工资的单位。