Photo News 图片新闻

In May, it’s the blooming season for the purple Verbena in Biyun Rock of Hexi Town, Nanjin County, and there are endless streams of tourists.The attraction has been concerning the service to tourists as strictly following the disease prevention requirements and management regulation on road security, which picks up tourists in groups and in sequence and arrange the tourists to travel in groups of small amount. In the photo, it is the beautiful scenery of Biyun Rock. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporters Huang Xiaoying, correspondent Sheng Yihui)

5月,南靖县和溪镇碧云岩的紫色马鞭草盛开,游客络绎不绝。景区在做好游客服务的同时,严格按照防疫要求和道路安全管理规定,对游客分批分次统一接送,实行分散式游览。图为碧云岩美景。 (本报记者 黄小英 通讯员 沈仪晖 摄)