Minxi (Western Fujian) Egg Industry was Included on the List of Cooperative Project in Characteristic Advanced Industries 闽西禽蛋产业闽西禽蛋产业集群入选

The Release of the List on Cooperative Project in Characteristic Advanced Industries


Minxi (western Fujian) Egg Industry was included on the List of Cooperative Project in Characteristic Advanced Industries


Fujian Daily report on May 12. (Reporter Zhang Hui) Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released the List on Cooperative Project in Characteristic Advanced Industries. According to the list, egg Industry of Minxi Area (western Fujian) was included on the List.

本报讯 【5月12日】(记者 张辉) 日前,农业农村部公布2022年优势特色产业集群建设名单。闽西禽蛋产业集群入选。


The Cooperative Project of Egg Industry in Minxi Area (western Fujian) covers 9 places in Fujian Province, including Ninghua County, Qingliu County, Shaxian District of Sanming City, Yongan City, Datian County, Liancheng County, Xingluo District of Longyan City, Fuqing City, Yongtai County.


In these years, China provided supports to develop cooperative projects of characteristic advanced industries that produced the value over 10 billion yuan annually. It promotes the changes in industry, which is developed from “small-scale industry”to “large-scale industry”, the space is from “horizontal planned”to “develop in cooperative projects”, and the relationship of the subjects is developed from “competition in the same field”to “cooperate to win-win”. Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has approved the two cooperative projects of characteristic advanced industries of Wuyi Rock Tea(Yan Cha), and Fujian edible fungus to be carried out in Fujian Province.
