The First Cross-City-and-Island’s Coastal Travel Route is on Trial in Fujian


“Haitan-1”is setting out of Kegun Dock in Aoqian Town ofPingtan Region in Fujian Province. (Photo by Lin Yingshu)

“海坛1号”驶离平潭澳前客滚码头。林映树 摄

FJSEN report on May 7th. (Fujian Daily reporters Cheng Zhiwen, Chen Shengzhong; correspondents Lin Binbin, Xu Shuangping)Right after a clear siren on May 6th, 8 a.m,“Haitan-1”the sightseeing cruise on the sea was loaded with 166 passengers and slowly setting out of Kegun Dock, and started fascinating travel route on sea between Pingtan and Putian.The cruise started from Kegun Dock of Aoqian Town of Pingtan, after 4 hours cruise on sea, it arrived at Ludao Terminal Dock in Gongxia Village of Meizhou Island. 

东南网5月7日讯(福建日报记者 程枝文 陈盛钟 通讯员 林彬彬 许双萍) 6日上午8时许,随着一阵清脆的鸣笛声,承载166名游客的平潭海上观光游船“海坛1号”缓缓驶出码头,开启了平潭往返莆田的海上精品旅游线路。游船从平潭澳前客滚码头出发,在历经约4个小时的海上航行后,到达湄洲岛宫下陆岛交通码头。