Exhibition of Historical Chinese Coins is Held in Kunsthistorisches Museum(Art History Museum)in Vienna


The photo was taken in the coin exhibition“Around the World with 80 Coins”in Kunsthistorisches Museum(Art History Museum) in Vienna, Austria on May 5th.  (Xinhua News, photo by Johns Schneider )


Recently, a coin exhibition“Around the World with 80 Coins”was started in the Kunsthistorisches Museum(Art History Museum), in which the ancient Chinese coins were in the show. The exhibition is presented in the clue of historical figures’trips. For example,the contemporary historical coins of Tang Monk, Marco Polo, Mozart and many others along the trips, thus, the related cities’history and culture were presented. The exhibition will last until April 23rd, 2023. (Xinhua News, photo by Johns Schneider)

近日,一场名为“80枚硬币环游世界”的硬币展览在维也纳艺术史博物馆开展,其中展出了部分中国的古代钱币。本次展览以中国的玄奘法师以及马可·波罗、莫扎特等历史人物的游历为线索,通过展现这些游历路线上的历史钱币,向观众介绍各地的历史人文风貌。展览将持续到2023年4月23日。(新华社发 乔治斯·施耐德 摄)

On May 5th, a photo of a historicalancientChinese coin of Tang Dynasty in the coin exhibition“Around the World with 80 Coins”in the Art History Museum of Vienna, Austria. (Xinhua News, photo by Johns Schneider)

这是5月5日在奥地利维也纳艺术史博物馆“80枚硬币环游世界”硬币展上拍摄的中国唐代硬币。(新华社发 乔治斯·施耐德 摄)

It’s May 5th, at the scene of the coin exhibition“Around the World with 80 Coins”in the Kunsthistorisches Museum(Art History Museum)of Vienna, Austria. Xinhua News.(photo by Johns Schneider)

这是5月5日在奥地利维也纳艺术史博物馆拍摄的“80枚硬币环游世界”硬币展现场。新华社发(乔治斯·施耐德 摄)