Tianzhou-4 Cargo Spacecraft is about to Launch, and the Assembly of the Spacecraft and Rocket is Transferred to the Launching Zone

天舟四号货运飞船近日择机发射 船箭组合体转运至发射区

On May 7th, the assembly of Tianzhou-4 Cargo Spacecraft and Changzheng-7 Cargo Rocket was vertically transferred to the Lauching Tower. Xinhua news. (Photo by Yang Zhiyuan)

5月7日,天舟四号货运飞船与长征七号遥五运载火箭组合体垂直转运至发射塔架。新华社发(杨志远 摄)

On May 7th, the assembly of Tianzhou-4 Cargo Spacecraft and Changzheng-7 Cargo Rocket was vertically transferred to the Lauching Tower. Xinhua news. (Photo by Yang Zhiyuan)

5月7日,天舟四号货运飞船与长征七号遥五运载火箭组合体在垂直转运。(新华社发 杨志远 摄)

On May 7th, the assembly of Tianzhou-4 Cargo Spacecraft and Changzheng-7 Cargo Rocket was about to leave the test factory, then vertically transfer to the lauching Tower. Xinhua news. (Photo by Yang Zhiyuan)

5月7日,天舟四号货运飞船与长征七号遥五运载火箭组合体即将离开测试厂房,垂直转运到发射塔架。(新华社发 杨志远 摄)

On May 7th, the assembly of Tianzhou-4 Cargo Spacecraft and Changzheng-7 Cargo Rocket was about to leave the test factory, then vertically transfer to the lauching Tower. Xinhua news. (Photo by Yang Zhiyuan)

5月7日,天舟四号货运飞船与长征七号遥五运载火箭组合体即将离开测试厂房,垂直转运到发射塔架。(新华社发 杨志远 摄)