Hainan Project in Research and Demonstration of Hybrid Rice --the Double Cropping Yield of Hybrid Rice is Estimated


On May 6th, the researchers were taking photos in the experimental demonstration rice fields in Nanfan public experimental base in Yazhou Region(Batou) of Sanya City.  


During the day, The project in research and demonstration concerning Hainan double cropping yield of hybrid rice 1500 kilograms per mu(Chinese unit of land measurement that is commonly 666.7 square meters) is carried out in the experimental demonstration rice fields in Nanfan public experimental base in Yazhou Region(Batou) of Sanya City. According to the measurement and estimation of the specialists team, the double season cropping yield of hybrid rice could reach 910 kg per Mu. (photo by Xinhua reporter Yang Guanyu)

当日,海南杂交水稻双季亩产1500公斤攻关示范项目在海南省三亚市崖州区(坝头)南繁公共试验基地进行测产,经现场专家组测算,2022年双季早稻亩产910公斤。新华社记者 杨冠宇 摄

On May 6th, the researchers are measuring the area of the rice field. (Photo by Xinhua reporter Yang Guanyu )

5月6日,科研人员在测量稻田面积。(新华社记者 杨冠宇 摄)

On May 6th, a worker is operating the harvester in Nanfan public experimental base in Yazhou Region(Batou) of Sanya City.(photo by Xinhua reporter Yang Guanyu)

5月6日,在三亚市崖州区(坝头)南繁公共试验基地试验示范点稻田,工作人员操作收割机。(新华社记者 杨冠宇 摄)

A photo of the experimental demonstration rice fields in Nanfan public experimental base in Yazhou Region (Batou) of Sanya City.(photo by drones and Xinhua reporter Yang Guanyu)

这是5月6日在三亚市崖州区(坝头)南繁公共试验基地试验示范点拍摄的稻田(无人机照片)。(新华社记者 杨冠宇 摄)