Photo News


The photo was taken at night on May 3rd. In the photo, the classical operaprogram“Dongsheng and Ms. Li”was performed by a young actor Guo Zhifeng (left) and a young actress Zheng Yasi (right)from the Fujian Provincial Heritage Centerfor Liyuan Opera.(Photo by Su Lei)

图为3日晚,福建省梨园戏传承中心的青年演员郭智峰(左)、郑雅思表演经典剧目《董生与李氏》。(苏雷 摄)

(Fujian Daily report of May 5th)During the“May Day”holiday, Fujian Provincial Bureau of Culture and Tourism hosted a seriesof performance in the name of“Spring Returned to the Blessed land and We Set Out with Arts”both online and offline in cities of Fujian, which greatly enriched the cultural life for the public during thehoilday. The photo was taken at night on May 3rd by Su Lei. In the photo, the classical opera program“Dongsheng and Ms. Li”was in performance bya young actor Guo Zhifeng(left) andayoung actress Zheng Yasi(right)from the Fujian Provincial Heritage Center for Liyuan Opera. ( Photo by Su Lei)

(福建日报5月5日讯)“五一”期间,由省文旅厅主办的“春回福地 ‘艺’起出发”系列演出活动在我省各地线上线下同步举行,丰富了广大群众节日期间的文化生活。图为3日晚,福建省梨园戏传承中心的青年演员郭智峰(左)、郑雅思表演经典剧目《董生与李氏》。(苏雷 摄)