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(Fujian Daily report of May 6th.) Recently, Media Convergence Center of Shaxian Region of Sanming City held a live show in collaboration with Sanming Wanda Plaza.The center’shost showed the citizens“shopping online”in the Plaza and advocated for the“Sanming Goods”.It only took 1 hour to attract 29.1 thousand viewers.(Photo by Fujian Daily Reporter You Qinghui, correspondent Xu Yan)

近日,在三明市沙县区融媒体中心与三明万达广场共建的直播基地内,中心主播带领广大市民“云逛”商圈,为“三明好物”代言。短短1小时的活动,观看人数达2.91万人次。(本报记者 游庆辉 通讯员 许琰 摄)