Photo News on Songxi County of Nanping City


On May 2nd, vistors were attracted to visit the blooming 2000-plus Chinese roses in Huangsha Village of Weitian Town of Songxi County. Since 2019, the village has been cultivating the scenery with 2000-plus roses and 1000-plus cherries in the main avenues and around the houses. It complements the newly opened lotus pond of more than 20 mu(Chinese unit of land measurement that is commonly 666.7 square meters).  (Fujian Daily report. Photo by Reporter Zhao Jinfei, correspondents Li Dianli and Wang Defeng)

2日,松溪县渭田镇黄沙村2000多株月季竞相开放,引得不少游客慕名而来。从2019年开始,该村在村里主干道、房前屋后种植2000多株月季、1000多棵樱花,与新辟的20多亩荷花池相得益彰。本报记者 赵锦飞 通讯员 李典利 王德锋 摄