Fujian: Successful Launch on the 1st 0.5 meter Remote Sensing Satellite


At 11:30 on April 30th, at the launching platform of the East China Sea, the Changzheng 11th Carrier Rocket sent the Satellite Anxi Tieguanyin Number 2into the assigned orbit, and its a successful launch.(As it is shown in the photo. Photo was taken by Shi Xiao) Accordingly, the Satellite Anxi Tieguanyin Number 2is about to conduct speculation on the Satellite Network of the Earth in association with the Satellite Anxi Tieguanyin Number 1which was launched earlier.

4月30日11时30分,在我国东海海域的海上发射平台,长征十一号运载火箭将“安溪铁观音二号”卫星送入预定轨道,发射获得圆满成功(如图,史啸 摄)。据悉,“安溪铁观音二号”卫星将与之前发射的“安溪铁观音一号”卫星一起对地组网进行观测。