Hanging Around the Gulangyu Island by Ferryboat


During May Day holiday, the accumulative number of citizens and tourists received by Xiamen ferryboats is 85, 000 person-times.


On May 3rd, the Xiamen ferryboats are carrying passengers in routine route in Gulangyu Sea area of Xiamen City. (photo by reporter Wang Xieyun)

3日,轮渡客船载着乘客在厦鼓海域有序运行。(图/记者 王协云)

Xiamen Daily report(news/reporter Tang Haibo, photo/reporter Wang Xieyun) Watching the snowy waves of the greenish ocean, the ferryboats going back and forth, and the siren rings at every encounter, ... during  May Day holiday, Xiamen ferryboats, which connect Xiamen Island and Gulangyu Island, make the Egret River(Lu Jiang) vibrant and dynamic.

厦门日报讯(文/记者 汤海波 图/记者 王协云)碧波白浪,渡轮穿梭,汽笛交织回响……这个“五一”假期,连接厦门岛和鼓浪屿的厦鼓轮渡,为鹭江注入满满的活力