The 8th Straits Readers Festival Held in Fuzhou


On April 23rd, At the opening ceremony of the 8th Straits Readers Festival, readers are reading books. (Photo by Xinhua reporter  Lin Shanchuan)

4月23日,读者在第八届海峡读者节开幕式现场阅览图书。(新华社记者 林善传 摄)

The day was the“World Reading Day”, the 8th Straits Readers Festivalwas held in Commercial Press(Fuzhou Branch) in Binhai Xincheng of Fuzhou,Fujian Province.(Photo by Xinhua reporter  Lin Shanchuan)

当日是“世界读书日”,第八届海峡读者节在位于福建福州滨海新城的商务印书馆福州分馆举行。(新华社记者 林善传 摄)

On April 23rd, at the opening ceremony of the 8th Straits Readers Festival, readers are reading books. (Photo by Xinhua reporter  Lin Shanchuan)

4月23日,读者在第八届海峡读者节开幕式现场阅览图书。新华社记者 林善传 摄

The Fuzhou Branch of the Commercial Press on April 23rd. (photo taken by drones; Xinhua reporter Lin Shanchuan)

4月23日拍摄的商务印书馆福州分馆(无人机照片)。新华社记者 林善传 摄

On April 23rd, at the opening ceremony of the 8th Straits Readers Festival, readers are reading books. (Photo by Xinhua reporter  Lin Shanchuan)

4月23日,读者在第八届海峡读者节开幕式现场阅览图书。新华社记者 林善传 摄